Who can be a blood stem cell donor in Hungary?
In case you intend to stay in Hungary several years, you are welcome as our volunteer donor, if you are:
" aged between 18 and 45
" in good health (therefore one blood donation is required before registration, to assess the donor's health)
" ready to donate stem cells to any patient in need;
" have a Hungarian home address and a valid address card.
You can join the Hungarian Stem Cell Donor Registry within 56 days after your blood donation. More information about it:
How does the blood donation occur? | Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service (ovsz.hu)
Please make an appointment at the closest Donor Center Where can I give blood? | Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service (ovsz.hu)
Please, always bring an interpreter with you.
We will check that there is no medical reason preventing you from being a stem cell donor. Please inform the staff at the blood donation session that you wish to join the registry before your blood donation is taken.
In case you live only temporarily in Hungary, we suggest you to enroll in a stem cell registry in your home country.
More information about donation and transplantation in English https://wmda.info/