Central Waiting List Office


The Central Waiting List Office (KVI) was established at the same time as Hungary fully joined to Eurotransplant. It aims to operate a quality and safety framework that is transparent and traceable to organ donation and transplantation professionals, patients on waiting lists and the people interested. It is independent on donor hospitals and transplant centers too, while overseeing and controlling the organ donation and transplant process. To accomplish this, it continuously monitors changes in the data and status of patients getting on the organ transplant waiting list and those already on the waiting list by comparing the data received from the Transplant Committees and recorded in the Eurotransplant register.

The central waiting list is operated by the National Blood Transfusion Service (HNBTS) with the assistance of the Transplant Committees. Transplant care can only be provided on the basis of a transplant waiting list.
Decisions on admission to the transplant waiting list, temporary non-eligibility and deletion, as well as all other decisions concerning the patient on the waiting list, are made by the Transplant Committees. The information is sent in written form to the patient, the treating physician and the HNBTS regarding their decision.
The Commission shall meet as necessary, but at least once a month, with at least half of its members present in order to have a quorum.
Transplantation is a publicly funded service in Hungary, however, getting on an international waiting list is not an automatic process for Hungarian insured individuals neither, an authorization procedure is mandatory in their cases too.

If you have any questions about eligibility, please contact the National Health Insurance Fund, (Recording) Department of International Relations and Legal Relations at the nemzetk(at)neak(dot)gov(dot)hu email address.


• Checking the data of newly added recipients to the waiting list,
• Preparation of the NEAK settlement of the Eurotransplant registration fee,
• Monitoring the implementation of recipient status changes in the protocols following Transplant Committee meetings,
• Following immunological (HLA and PRA%) results uploaded by the Transplant Immunogenetics Laboratory, verify that the given patients have been placed in the transplantable (T) status by the transplant center coordinator
• Determines the unique identifiers of patients placed on the waiting list and sends them to the relevant Transplantation Committee for transmission.
• The unique ID is published and updated daily in the central waiting list.
• Maintains statistics on patients on the organ transplant waiting list, distribution of currently eligible and temporarily non-eligible recipients, incidence of new patients, mortality, average waiting times, data on transcripts of Transplant Committee meetings, organ allocation
• Mediation between the Transplantation Committees and the NEAK regarding verification of the legal relationship of the insurance or entitlement prior to placing on the waiting list.

Contact info:
Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service
Central Waiting List Office
1113 Budapest, Karolina út 19-21.
Phone: +36 1 372 4290
Fax: +36 1 372 4181
E-mail: kvi(at)ovsz(dot)hu